integrated software
pain point
too many software products
Too many software products and standalone systems, not enough integration.
Every business uses different products for different needs, but using a variety of software tools to accomplish business goals can be ineffective, costing both time and money.

Unified 130 locations
For high-level performance overview
650 hours saved weekly
Reduced daily administration hours for centre management through simplification and integration.
500+ location users
Customizable accessibility privileges based on employee’s position.

the solution
integrated software
Work with software developers to create a centralized web portal for tracking, communication, reporting, financials, team management and scheduling that not only allows each location to see their day, week, and month at a glance, but allows head office to view and manage individual locations and get accurate information about performance.
- Online store for vendors
- Sales tax automation
- Collect royalties
- Manage marketing campaigns
- Schedule multiple groups
- Review performance
It also allows head office to provide ongoing training, webinar hosting, and offer a resource repository for end-users to easily access the tools they need.
the results
time saved!
Simpler and more intuitive day-to-day operation saving your franchisees up to 2-3 extra hours a day to focus on customer satisfaction & business development, while providing a much stronger information flow from franchisee to franchisor.
I like knowing that my organization has a tool that they feel empowered to use effectively, and I enjoy knowing that I can check up on the system as a whole at any given moment, no matter where I am, and I can get accurate, up-to-the-minute reports on the entire organization without waiting for meetings.
-RN Whitehead, Founder Oxford Learning systems
Does your team communicate a unified brand voice? Learn more about how a streamlined social presence helps franchisees stay on brand and helps franchisors maintain brand control.
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